Marek Loose

Freelance iOS Developer

About Me

I started my career as a developer with knowledge of Android and Java. I quickly got to know Xamarin with a code written in C#. Now on my list of languages are also Swift, JavaScript, Dart (Flutter) and basics of Python and Ruby.

Today, I'm specialising in building applications for iOS using native Swift, but I'm also experienced in writing cross-platform apps and creating websites.

I love to build platform-specific UI both for Mobile and Web where I can bring components into life with animations, which makes me also a big fan of Material Design.

I enjoy learning about new technologies, improving my code quality and to have challenging new tasks every day at work.



Freelance - Sii / Backbase / Reuters News

iOS Developer

With my specialisation in native iOS development, I joined the mobile developer team in Sii as the iOS Developer.

My main task in Sii became mentoring other employees during their transition of becoming iOS developers, as well as joining the team of the Sii sub-client, Backbase - a software company building banking apps - and Reuters News - a global news app. In Backbase my main task was developing iOS applications for banks across the glob, which taught me how to create highly secure apps. In Reuters News my main task was adding new features and bug fixing in the main application as well as leading development of In-App Subscriptions.

After working hours, I kept developing new features for WordTracker app, created a new app UpFlight and I also worked on site projects helping various mobile and web developer teams in their daily tasks.

Freelance - Mosquito Digital Ltd

Mobile Developer

I decided to go back to freelancing. Mosquito Digital became my main client, giving me the opportunity to work remotely.

In my free time, I created an iOS productivity app called Achie as well as application helping writers to keep track of writing progress called WordTracker. Both apps are available on AppStore.

Mosquito Digital Ltd

Mobile Developer

Continuing to work for Mosquito, I expanded my knowledge of different platforms and software languages and gain trust to work independently as well as in a team.

I learned each step of project lifecycle; interpreting project’s specifications defined by the clients, distribute tasks among team members, implementing features and publishing the functional project.

Mosquito Digital Ltd

Junior Android Developer

In my first year of working at Mosquito, I practiced how to develop advanced applications for the Android platform, focused on improving User Experience and creating pixel perfect User Interface.

I learned how to collaborate with cross-functional teams, from managers, through designers to other developers. I understood how each department have a different point of view on the project so I stayed open-minded to keep learning from all of them.


Junior Android Developer Intern

Along with my self-education in the IT industry, I made myself available to work on any projects. I join a team working on a mobile game called EmojiFighter, where my responsibility was to create a version for the Android platform.

I learned the basics of problem-solving in software development process, adapt to changes in requirements (basic Agile) and how to be organised.



February 2020 - February 2020

Artificial Intelligence A-Z: Learn How To Build An AI

What I learned:


May 2018 - July 2018

Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science Course

What I learned:


January 2016 - January 2016

How to Use Git and GitHub Course

Effective use of version control is an important and useful skill for any developer working on long-lived (or even medium-lived) projects, especially if more than one developer is involved.
In this course I learned the basics of using version control by focusing on the Git and a collaboration platform called GitHub.

What I learned:


November 2015 - December 2015

UX Design for Mobile Developers Course

This course helped me to learn and understood the most important design techniques to make better apps (with a focus on the mobile platform, Android).

In this course, I stepped back from my IDE and dive into the techniques that great designers use to plan and prototype amazing apps before any code is written.

Treehouse Inc

September 2015 - October 2015

Learn Java Course

What I learned:

Treehouse Inc

June 2015 - August 2015

Beginning Android Course

What I learned:


May 2015 - May 2015

How to create <anything> in Android

What I learned:


April 2015 - April 2015

Android Development for Beginners Course

What I learned:

University of Reading

February 2015 - March 2015

Begin Programming: Build Your First Mobile Game Course

What I learned:


Up Flight

Up Flight App Find out more

Sport app for motoparagliding pilots to view flight records.

MacOS application built natively with SwiftUI and Swift.

What I learned:

  • Closely collaborate with UX/UI designer to build Design Librery
  • Practice SwiftUI
  • Reinforce knowladge in building modular app based on SPM

Project No. 16

Global News app.

iOS applications built natively with Swift.

What I learned:

  • Backing up Team Lead in his daily duties
  • Leading development of In-App Subscriptions with the use of RevenueCat
  • Write code in the complex project
  • Develop my skills in performing detailed code reviews

Project No. 15+

Multiple banking apps using Backbase-as-a-Service infrastructure.

iOS applications built natively with Swift.

What I learned:

  • Reinforce my knowladge in iOS app deployment
  • Use GitHub Actions for CI/CD
  • Handle Program Quality Assessments (PQA)

Word Tracker

Word Tracker App Find out more

Productivity app for writers to track daily progress toward the target word count.

iOS application built natively with Swift.

What I learned:

  • Practice MVVM
  • Use several design patterns
  • Work with animations and motion effects
  • Create multiple Swift Packages to reuse modules in other projects
  • Use Firebase products: Authentication, FIrestore DB, Crashlytics, Analytics, Performance and Remote Config
  • Use In-App Purchases

Project No. 13

Ecommerce website of the call centre office equipment

Website built with ASP.NET, JavaScript using ES6 structure, styled with Sass, compiled with Grunt and using Kentico CMS.

What I learned:

  • Build dynamic website with ASP.NET MVC pattern
  • Compile JavaScript and Sass with Grunt
  • Create Razor templates
  • Basics of Kentico MVC


Achie App

Productivity app for managing tasks and tracking progress toward the goals.

Find out more

iOS application built natively with Swift.

What I learned:

  • Create Siri shortcuts
  • Use Today Extension Widget
  • Create complex custom views

Project No. 11

Mobile apps for basketball players and officials.

Two applications built with Flutter for iOS and Android.

What I learned:

  • Build the mobile apps using Dart programming language
  • Design components in Sketch

Project No. 10

Mobile apps supporting the healthcare industry

Two applications built natively with Swift and Java, managed by CMS.

What I learned:

  • Create pixel perfect UI
  • Improve my knowladge of Java and Swift

Project No. 9

Web analytics service tracking usage and efficiency of supercomputers

Website built with JavaScript using ES6 structure, styled with Sass and run with Gulp.js. Using Django framework (Python) to communicate with a database by microservices. Run Unit Tests with Python and Mocha framework (Node.js).

What I learned:

  • Build a dynamic UI populated with API responses (with a challenge of creating frontend before backend)
  • Map metrics to highly visual charts
  • Run project with Django framework and Docker containers
  • Write JavaScript Unit Tests using Mocha

Project No. 8

Office dashboard linked to company Continuous Integration server

TV dashboard run from Raspberry Pi. Using on Raspbian, linked to day-to-day tools such as Trello, Google Sheets, and GoCD Pipelines.

What I learned:

  • Create Raspberry Pi images
  • Basics of Ruby
  • Customise dashboard widgets in

Project No. 7

Web tool service performing complex agricultural calculations

Website built with AngularJS, styled with CSS and content managed with Umbraco.

What I learned:

  • Basics of AngularJS

Project No. 6

Agricultural app based on GPS location

iOS application for iPads built with Swift. Supporting drawing elements on Google maps.

What I learned:

  • Basics of Swift
  • Work with Google Maps
  • Work with drawing on canvas
  • Properly manage endpoint operations
  • Use Realm database

Project No. 5

Web app managing feedbacks between employees

Website built with JavaScript using ES6 structure, jQuery library, styled with Sass and run with Gulp.js. Using ASP.NET MVC framework for backend, with SQL database.

What I learned:

  • Run project with Gulp, structured using ES6
  • Create animations and pixel perfect UI
  • Basics of SQL
  • Create both frontend and backend

Project No. 4

Educational web app helping employees to learn information in their industry

Website build with JavaScript, styled with CSS.

What I learned:

  • Basics of JavaScript
  • Basics of CSS
  • Create dynamic UI easy to style

Project No. 3

Cross-platform informational app as an extension to a shopping website

Application built with Xamarin.Forms, using Xamarin and C#.

What I learned:

  • Basics of Xamarin Forms

Project No. 2

Cross-platform app helping travelers with their journey and displaying transport information

Application built with Xamarin, using C# for core logic.

What I learned:

  • Basics of C#, XML and Interface Builder
  • Create pixel perfect UI for both Android and iOS
  • Use Google Analytics

Project No. 1

Android game challenging memory

Application built with Android, using SQLite database.

What I learned:

  • Basics of Android, Java and JavaScript
  • CRUD operations with SQLite
  • Create basic backend using

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